Monday, December 19, 2005

Quiet Week in the you all get random thoughts.

Southeast is getting pretty close to "ghost town" status this week. Everyone is using up their vacation days and taking off the rest of the month, but those of us who get a hand full of those precious days are hanging out trying to fill our days with whatever projects we can get our hands on to make the day go a bit faster. Between projects though are emails and the devouring of Christmas yummy goodies that everyone has brought in for all of us devourees to gain 10 pounds before the holidays. Thank you. For all of you who want to know..."Puppy Chow" is the snack of choice for this afternoon.

Random thought for my lady readers...
Last night I was extremely thankful for self-checkout lanes at a 24 hour Wal-Mart. It was one of those moments where I didn't really feel like talking to anyone (plus it was a late night run) and I needed to get some "personals". Usually when women have to make one of these stops, we tend to buy a few other items to "mask" the fact that we are buying personals, but in all honesty a loaf of bread and a bag of M&Ms is not going to mask the big blue box your carrying. Seriously. So last night, I had no shame...I went in got my personals and went straight to the self checkout line where I quickly scanned the big blue box and safely trotted out the door not having made eye contact with any awkward young male employees. It was the one of the best moments ever...a sense of achievement really. Who would have thought that such a modern convenience would change the way women shop. It certainly is saving me $ in the long run!

Visitors from Afar...
Yesterday Dane and I were blessed to have some visitors from Q-town come and take us out to lunch. Dale and Brenda Hess were visiting Louisville and decided to look us up - and I'm thankful they did. It was SOO nice to see some faces from home and to catch up and hear stories. It made me miss some folks all the more, but then I realized that I would see them in a few days:) We chatted for a couple hours at Mark's Feed Store (delicious Kentucky BBQ wonderland) and then said our goodbyes. Nice afternoon spent. Now, I'm going to make a plea to all you Q-town readers...and all my other friends who live far away too.
COME VISIT ME!!! Louisville's a good time, good eatin, good sweet tea, good horse races, good baseball bats, good shoppin...
Mom and're due! John, Sha, Matt and're way over due! M&M - we have a "Howl at the Moon" here too ya know:) Ben Cuni is still at the top of the coolest friend list, cause he's been the only friend to come out and visit me since I moved here. Thank you Ben! So we'll see if anyone picks up on my subtly and follows through! I think it's finally time for me to go home. lata...

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