Sunday, March 05, 2006

Kentucky Here I Come

I would say "I'm coming home tomorrow", but my mom would slap me upside the head and say "you are home honey!" Finishing up the last of the laundry and packing tonight. Flying out from St. Louis tomorrow. Long week. Here are some highlights:

-Meeting Lisa Whelchel ("Blair Warner" - Facts of Life tv show)
-Being 3 feet from God's magnificent creation - a.k.a. Kurt Warner from the St. Louis Rams (Jo, about it huh?)
-Listening to the coolest and hippest new version of the "muffin man" in the minivan with 5 other grown adults...rapping and having a marvelous time.
-Being harassed in front of 1,000 people by Chagy the Clown (have pictures to prove it)!
-Finding out I'm going to be an aunt October 12, 2006!! (Matt and Melissa are pregnant:)
-Finally learning how to play Texas Hold Em and taking 3rd place...Beginner's Luck!
-Becca's surprise visit home for the shower:)
-Shawna's first bridal shower. Just got done helping them unload a couple cars full of stuff. Their house is already getting full...and they still have 4 showers to go, plus the wedding! Holy Moly!
It's been a great weekend. Really tired. Ready to get back in the groove. Praying that my bag will once again not exceed 50 lbs. tomorrow at the baggage check-in! We'll see:)

Good to see all you Quincians!! Love ya:)


Mandybear said...

And the highlight above highlights is that I get to see you soon....I have missed you friend!

Karla said...

You make-a me so happy that you like-it-a-my-muffins!

Ryan said...

...i can't believe I didn't make the highlights list...

ret said...

I think I left you off a list once upon a time too, didn't I? A lesser man would begin to get a

Good to see you Sara!! Love you!