Monday, August 28, 2006


There are seasonal friends and then there are friends that just stick with ya for life. You may not get to talk to them everyday, but you know without a shadow of a doubt that you could pick up right where you left off. They are friends that always have a smile for you and an encouraging word. They say "I love you" and "I miss you"...and they mean it. They have been the ones that have known you your whole life or at least a good chunk of it. They've seen your ups and downs, your shining moments and unfortunately your embarassing moments. But they don't think any less of you! They are friends that you can be silly with and with the same breath share your struggles with. They are friends who will pray for you...regardless of whether you ask them to or not. They are real.

I've been blessed in my life with handfuls of these wonderful people. I don't call them just friends, I call them my family. I wouldn't be where I am today without them. Today, I thank God for each one of you. I love you.


ret said...

Keepers. I know what you mean. And I better be on your list :) You're on mine ;)

sara said...

Sweet know you're on there! Miss you much! Can't wait for the wedding at the end of the month. Sounds like we may have a little singing reunion:) YEEHAW!!

Doug & Brittany said...

you will always be a TRUE friend to me

ret said...


Is he home???? Let me know when you come up for air, lol.
