Thursday, October 05, 2006

Prolonged Absence

My apologies for my blog absence this past week or so. I have no idea what happened or why my blog kept reading "not found". All I know is that I'm glad it's not lost for good!

Life has been a roller coaster lately. Turned 26 last Saturday. On the downhill slope of my 20s - 30 here I come! Actually, I'm enjoying my 20s - more so the latter half of them. First half was a little rocky. Thankful to be past all that!

Don't have a ton to write about this morning...still waking up. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm alive! :)

1 comment:

Madonna said...

Glad to have you blogging again. I thought you had given up on it. It's a good thing we live in the same town, so I can keep in touch in person.