Sunday, September 16, 2007

Getting older...and hopefully a little wiser

My birthday is at the end of the month - the last day of the month to be exact! Just in case you were wondering:) It's not really hitting me too hard this year that I am turning 27. I've basically been telling people that I'm already 27 just to get myself into the swing of things. It's really no biggie. I like getting older...I learn more about myself, about life, about others, about my job, about's crazy what you can learn as the days fly by.

It's funny when we are young, in elementary school, in middle school, in high school....we think we know everything. We think we can stay up late when mom tells us to go to bed at 8:00, then when we do stay up late...we are exhausted and cranky in the morning. Guess she did know what she was talking about afterall!

I feel like I've made some good choices in my life...and some bad ones, but I've learned lessons from them all. God is good like that. He can't keep us from making those bad choices, but He can be there to pick us up when we fall, brush off the dirt from our knees and help bandage our wounds. I've enjoyed looking back to see how He has helped me up in the past, how He has led me on this journey called life, and I'm anxious to see the turns, hills and even the bumps that lie ahead. I know He is faithful to lead me through every situation, but it is up to me to surrender every day to Him and to follow Him faithfully.

Year 27...bring it on! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Birthdays, birthdays. This year brings many new things for you. Year 27 will be one of gradiose proportions. Don't you think? I mean, getting married, living with your hubby, making life plans, being a newlywed, making your home your home together, cuddling EVERY night with your hubby, and the list goes on of new things (maybe small or menial) but so many new things. And they are all tied to marriage and your year 27! I'm so excited for you!