Thursday, October 18, 2007

So Close

So a tornado just passed through Louisville. I watched the storm front come in - dark skies and all. I drove to Max's house listening to the tornado sirens going off. Closest I've ever been to a huge storm like this and if you know me at know I am loving every minute of it. I have been outside watching the clouds swirl and get gloomier. Saw a couple spike, but nothing too scary. We've got the bathroom ready with blankets, candles and a mattress for protection. Right now we have a break between storms, so we are going to eat some shells and cheese. Yummy! I'll keep you posted if there are any more life threatening situations tonight. Gotta a couple other nasty ones coming our way. I was born to be a storm chaser! Seriously folks...this is awesome!

1 comment:

Madonna said...

I am with you sister! You and I should go storm chasing during the summer. It would be so much fun!