Tuesday, April 18, 2006

12 hours of driving and worth the trip

Made a quick trip home this weekend for Easter. We didn't have Elementary Services at SECC, so I took advantage and hit and the road for home. Got in Friday afternoon, just in time for a snip n' clip at InSPArations with my favorite stylist - Shawna Lynn! She's a styling genius:) Made a quick zip over to MPCC for the Good Friday service (a little late, so I sat by myself, but it was probably for the best - no distractions). It was a good service, the choir singing, the acapella ensembles, the communion, the candles...solemn and beautiful. Later that evening, got to watch John's v-ball team destroy their opponent, hang out with my Fuel pals at TCBY, then when John, Sha and I were about to fall asleep in their living room, we hear Neal's mobile pull up in front of their house. An hour later...we go home!

Saturday, Neal and I spent some quality time together...recording and perfecting...recording and perfecting. But the song is finished and we were pleased. More importantly the bride and groom were pleased! And we can check it off the list of things to do! Saturday evening was spent at the Crossing with mom and pop and then Pam and Yvonne joined our family for dinner at Lakeview (a local delight). Had myself the BEST fried chicken salad this side of the Mississippi (that sounds hickish and silly, but I like it). Pam and Ret can attest to this - we've shared many a lunch over fried chicken salads and iced tea. Yummy!

Sunday was delightful...of course being a wonderful and beautiful Easter morning. Didn't have to wake up at the crack of dawn this year and enjoyed going to the 2nd service at MPCC with family. It was a beautiful time of worship. Special music rocked!! The choir sang and gave me goose bumps and the men's ensemble amazed me with their power-house voices! What a celebration! Off to Grandma's house for the egg hunt and mounds of delicious food! Family is all doing well - love em to pieces! Lots of wedding talk with 3 other cousins besides John getting married within the next year or so. Trying not to catch the fever:)

Great weekend, but pretty pooped out. Gotta rest up...wedding weekend in 18 days!!

P.S. Praise the Lord though that the bridesmaid dresses are nearing completion and look smashing! The bride and the MOTB can rest knowing all will be well!


Karla said...

Glad you had a good time...but PLEASE don't leave me again for 20,000 years at a time. I was in Sara withdrawl mode!!

sara said...

karla...i don't think it was 20,000 years this time...you may be exaggerating a smidge my dear. But I understand your dilemma and was going through karla withdrawls myself. understand that this should never happen again my friend...never!!!

ret said...

MOTB is feeling better but the panic is rising...and rising...and rising...ugh. I may steal their tickets to Mexico and run far, far away :)