Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Max is Gone!

Well, everybody...
My boy is gone for the summer. Boo hoo:( I took him to Lexington Saturday morning and he is now in full swing at his Officer Basic Course in Ft. Jackson, South Carolina. I've started the countdown for his return. 87 days left!
I know military families do this all the time and for much longer periods of time for that matter. Guess it is just going to take some getting used to. I've said goodbye to him before. We were apart for 3 weeks when we first started dating and normally don't get more than a few days to be together anyways during the week. But for some reason, this time is harder. I miss him more than I've ever missed him before and want him to come back right now. Oh I know I'll be okay. I'll toughen up, but I'm not going to forget the fact that I miss him. I'll cry...numerous times. I'll laugh and wish he were there laughing with me. I'll go places and wish he were there with me. But I'll know that on September 8th or shortly after, I'll get to see him and give him a big hug! Until then...


Misty said...

Sorry girl! But I have to say, the two of you are absolutely adorable! Wish we were closer so we could meet him!

sara said...

He really is incredible! I hope you two get to meet him someday. I'll let you know when we are back that way and maybe a stop in Springfield could be arranged!!