Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Two BIG Things!

I know after the job announcement, how could anything be BIG??

1st thing...
For an entire year, I have been avoiding a certain restaurant. Don't ask me why, because I really don't know. For years, people have raved about this place and swear it is the best food they've ever eaten. Now, keep in mind that they were mostly men. Yes, I'm talking about the infamous place called "Skyline Chili". Maybe you've tried it, maybe you are like me and have been avoiding it. I must say, that it was semi-tasty. The main thing was...I didn't throw up. I tried a bite of Steve's 3-way and that was about all I could take. I did get my own cheese-coney and well, it wasn't anything that I will crave in future days to come, but I could eat another if I had to. I settled for the Southwest Chicken Wrap. 1 thumb up!

2nd thing...

Guess who finally got their IPOD Nano in the mail yesterday??? If you guessed me, then YOU ARE CORRECT!! The little beauty was in my office mailbox when I got back from lunch and it truly made me smile. I don't know what to do with it yet...but that's where my buddy Nevan comes into play. Actually, he deserves some major props for it finally arriving in the first place. Neville - thank you!


Mandybear said...

I cant believe that the canoe trip didnt make the blog...ha ha

sara said...

good call...that'll have to be blogged about. you should send me some pictures and I'll post them!

ret said...

You got a nano? Fun!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the job and nano--both very cool. No skyline? I am hurt. That stuff is amazing. If you are ever in Cincy, go get Camp Washington chili and I promise you'll thank me. IT, will change your life. Trust me.