Monday, January 16, 2006

Drama, Drama, Drama...

Oh the dramas of the dating life...
Will it ever end?
Recently a book was recommended to me to read about a new approach to dating. It is a book by Dr. Henry Cloud (a reliable and intelligent source). He wrote all the "Boundaries" books for those who've never heard of him. How to Get a Date Worth Keeping - Be Dating in Six Months or Your Money Back. I know the title sounds cheesy, but hang with me. I've read a couple chapters in it so far...intriguing. Really nothing new. My mom has been telling me to do this for as long as I can remember, but I've stuck to my "I'm a lady in waiting" mentality. For instance, if God has the right man out there...He will bring him to me. Well, this knight in shining armor has yet to find me and lately I've found myself waiting at my front door hoping the FedEx man will be gorgeous. You get what I'm saying?? Cloud says, "I haven't been "out there" enough meeting new people." In his book, he offers himself as a dating coach, and has a program for you to follow. One of the first steps is to meet 5 new guys a week...that's right 5!! And not just say hi, but they 1) have to be new to you. 2)have to be interested in you. 3) you have to exchange phone #s. And let me just say it again. 5 guys! I'm lucky if I get 5 guys in 5 years, let alone 5 guys in one week. Talk about it! Supposedly, this program teaches you to find your real issues with dating and help you conquer them. Helping you to come out of your shell. We'll see about that! So, this past week I tried to branch out and meet some new people at Awake(our 23-30 yr. olds gathering)...not so much a success. I'm horrible at it! Still deciding if I'm going to finish this book.
For those of you who have found your special someone for life...what a blessing!
For those still waiting/ you are wishing it were as easy as waiting for the FedEx man at this point in time....hang in there!! :)


Misty said...

Sara you are such a catch! I can hardly wait to see who God has in store for you. He's going to have to equally as cool as you!

sara said...

Naomi - I agree...very eye opening in alot of ways and girls are safer:)
Misty - you're so sweet. God definitely fitted you with the right one...Stan's a great catch. Actually, I think Stan got the better're the best!

Mandybear said...

I am glad I can be along side you on this journey....

sara said...

I'm glad you are too my friend. If I didn't have my friends, I would have been put in a mental institution a long time ago!!

ret said...

Well, if "the one" is at all like a fabulous marinade...finding him right this minute might not be as wonderful as finding him after God has all His perfect seasonings have His way with him "overnight" ;)I say he's out there...God just doesn't have him tenderized yet! Lol. That was probably the lamest thing I've ever written. Read away. You're just too wonderful to settle so don't!!

sara said...

Even with it being lame Loretta, it still was deep and meaningful. LOL! Gives a new twist on the term "meat market" doesn't it??