Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Guy

So I'm breaking the "Blog Silence" with this post. It was going to happen sooner or later, but I thought I would wait a few weeks before I mentioned anything. Everybody...this is Max! Some of you have heard about him...some of you haven't. Some of you have seen all of you have seen him. :) We've been dating for a few weeks now and I think he's pretty incredible. He is currently pursuing his MA at Cincinnati Christian University (preaching/ministry) and is also a Chaplain with the Army National Guard. Met here at Southeast and have been friends since the Fall. Something sparked between us at a Superbowl Party and it's been a surprising and exciting journey ever since. He caught me off guard when he asked me out. I wasn't real sure about the whole thing, but boy am I glad that I said yes! Wow God...Thank YOU!!


Misty said...

How awesome! You guys are adorable!

Ttime said...

Hey Sara- it's Traci, from Nashville. Okay...he's cute. And, WOW ---little did I know while I was being a little hermit upstairs there was a love connection going on downstairs. Happy for you!

ret said...

We're back. And I heard your mom and dad enjoyed a nice visit and gave your man the A-Ok. Can't wait to meet him. You do look good together!!! Love you!

sara said...

Thanks for the compliment Misty!

Funny, Traci! I didn't even know there was a love connection going on. I guess that's when he decided in his mind that he wanted to ask me out. I was clueless that he even liked me! When are you coming up again?

Good to have you back Ret!! Can't wait to hear about your stories:) Glad you made it back safely. Missed you and love you!

Stan said...

Sara! How come I was not informed of this decision? Oh wait, you're a big girl and can take care of yourself. I'm happy for you. I guess the rest of the CCC of the B world will wait and see what happens from here. Miss you. Peace.

Karla said...

For those who don't know Max, he really is great. They make a great couple and they get the "Karla Stamp of Approval!"

Anonymous said...

Wow! You said that he's pretty incredible. Isn't cool to find someone that you can truly call incredible? I hope Max knows that he has to pass the best friend test. You did inform him, right? I'm so happy that you're happy. I'm glad that you're proud of him!

Amy H.