Monday, October 24, 2005

Autumn Thoughts...

There's something about Fall that makes me light up inside. It has and will always be my absolute favorite season of the year. I can appreciate things about each season...Summer is delightfully warm with sunshine and trips to the pool, barbeques and roasting marshmallows at campfires, etc. Winter brings Christmas and holiday extravaganzas, families reunited and warm fuzzies. Spring brings a much needed break from the deadness and dullness of winter brings life and beauty back into creation. But there's something mysterious about Fall that I LOVE! The cooling of the weather, sweatshirts, jeans and jackets, football games, camping trips, beautiful scenery(can I get an Amen?), apple orchards, hayrides, cinnamon spice & pumpkiny smells permeating the room, and who can resist all the delicious chili and soups...(I sure haven't resisted the past couple days!)

I don't see the Fall season as a time when things are "dying", but just a mere season of change. I know the trees will come alive again and that no season lasts forever. Truthfully, I wish Fall would last a little longer, that the trees would keep that magnificent color a few weeks longer and that the temperatures would stay cool enough, but warm enough to keep the winter gloves and heavy jackets put away a little longer. This season is simply my favorite! I see God's Artistic Hand brushstroking the deep rich colors onto the trees and sending us perfect rainy days to slow us down a bit, maybe so we can take a nap or spend time at home. You see we can get so caught up in life that we forget to appreciate the little things. I, for one, am loving these chilly rainy days. Watching movies, cooking, taking up new hobbies...just slowing down - AHH! What are your thoughts? Do you love a certain season? Do tell...leave a comment!!! :)


Misty said...

Yes, yes, echoed my thoughts exactly! Nothing like an autumn day!

ret said...

Shawna and I were just saying how much we enjoy living where we can experience each changing season. Seems like just when you think one season has just begun it starts to dissolve into the one to come and before you have time to even miss the other you're knee deep in love with the new one. I love them all but I agree there is something special about the fall. I think it has a lot to do with families coming together...something about the activity it brings with it...lots of gathering, gratitude, harvest, reflection. And anticipation for Christmas Eve...those awesome worship moments that await us. Wonderful times...