Monday, October 31, 2005

Fun Is Bowling

Today was our farewell fun time with Robin, a lady on our elementary team. Her last day with us is Wednesday:( She decided we should all have a fun day, we went to Logan's Steakhouse for lunch and then it was off to the Bowling Alley for some "fierce" competition:)

Logan's was fun and goody yum-yums. We threw peanuts on the floor, we threw peanuts at each other, we threw peanuts in each others glasses...they were everywhere! And we won't even talk about the onions:)

Bowling Alley was a blast. There were 11 of us, so to make it even with 4 on each lane...Jesus was added to our team. There was a crazy bouncy ball that happened to be thrown my yours truly in the 4th frame. I had the corner pin to pick up and about 2 feet before it hit the pin, it sank in the gutter...but then decided to have a spasm and busted out of the gutter and slammed the pin down for a spare!! Never in all my bowling days have I ever done something so cool!

The highlight of the afternoon was having Jesus on our team. We each took turns bowling for Him, but He was losing miserably. By the 7th frame He had a score of 42. Coming into the 8th, I decided it was time for Jesus to be resurrected again...I got a strike. Olivia steps up to the plate in the 9th and strikes Him one again. Karla (who...we'll just say hadn't gotten a strike yet!) :) (love ya Kar-Kar!) struts up in the 10th and blasts one home to give Jesus a Turkey. We went NUTS!! She steps up again and blasts another one away - Holy Cow! We seriously went NUTS this time! She steps up for the last time...we thought NO WAY...and we were right, but she did hit 9 pins down. Jesus went from a score of 42 to 131! Yep, He got the high score:) Just goes to prove that Jesus is better than us all...even at bowling!


Lowery said...

This post made me laugh really, really hard. I love - absolutely love - that you guys bowled a frame for Jesus. And the line "It just goes to prove that Jesus is better than us in anything" was hilarious. Thank you for that...

sara said...

Glad you found it humorous! It was the seriously the most fun I've ever had bowling. You should try the Jesus thing sometime - it puts a great spin on the game:)

Karla said...

I'm so glad you are my friend. Let's go bowling again SOON!

Lowery said...

I will try it. But let me be honest - I'm a little scared as to how shaky my faith will be coming out of it if Jesus loses.