Monday, November 28, 2005

Bitter Sweet Day

Ever have one of those days where even though it seems nothing is going right...God is still in control? I call them Bitter Sweet Days. Knowing that God is there and that His plan is being worked out is comforting, but knowing that you'll have to say goodbye to people or the way things were is so heartbreaking.

My heart is breaking right now. Withing a week, I've had to hear the words, "I'm leaving and I wanted to be the one to tell you" from 2 people on our team here at Southeast. Seriously! 2 of the coolest people you'll ever know in ministry...wise beyond their years and hearts full of passion for children's ministry. I've enjoyed working with them immensely and will miss them a whole bunch. They both are moving on to ministries where they will get to work closely with the kids and families of their churches, they will both be closer to their families and I think they are going to make a huge impact. I'm SO happy for their opportunities, but I'm REALLY sad for us.

Like I said...Bitter Sweet. Can't decide if I really like these kind of days or not. I'll have to give it some more thought.


sara said...

thanks kari!
and i've only known them both for 6 months...can't imagine how you all are feeling have known them for quite some time.

Karla said...

To be honest...I haven't really allowed myself to go there just yet. Try me again in a couple of weeks...I'll probably be a blubbering mess.