Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Hawaiian Christmas: Tacky or Just Plain Fun??

Southeast hosted their annual Women's Christmas Tea last night. The place is filled with gorgeously decorated tables with beautiful center pieces, Christmas China, creative themes, etc. It's basically a women's "fru-fru" event...something I've never really been into, but I've come to terms with my "anti-fru-fru-ness".

A bunch of staff girls got together and decided to decorate 2 tables. The theme chosen this year was Hawaiian Christmas. On the back of the chairs were grass skirts and flowers, we had plastic plates, bright colored everything, flamingo forks, funky paper cups, blow-up pink flamingo on the table and to top it off Santa and Mrs. Claus wearing grass skirts and lais!! It was SOOO TACKY...but SO INCREDIBLE FUN!!

Ladies showed up in nice Christmas dresses, gowns, sweaters...
Our table showed up in Jeans, Hawaiian shirts, grass skirts and lais...
We got tons of comments on our "fun" table. Everyone seemed to love it!
The night was a good time. :)

1 comment:

ret said...

Reminds me of that dinner we sang for at Central years ago. That was the first time I saw a gym full of themed tables. Yours looked great then too!!