Friday, July 08, 2005

Strange Girl in the Basement

This weekend Rob's parents are staying at the house taking care of the kids while the two of them are vacationing in Seattle. I come upstairs this morning and meet them and I was referred to as "the girl living in the basement" (sounds like a creepy horror movie if you think about it). Then as I was in the kitchen filling up my water bottle, I heard Sammy say, "Dat's ouw Miss Sawa" (translation..."That's our Miss Sara"). It was the cutest darn thing I'd ever heard! Hopefully I'll become more than just the "girl who lives in the basement" to these boys as the year progresses.
BTW - the boys both just had their birthdays. Spencer turned 5 and Sammy is now the big 3!


Misty said...

Hey, at least its not your parent's basement...those are the folks you have to watch out for! :) Love ya girl...

ret said...

And I hear they rented out your!