Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Brownies with a little surprise

Attempted to make goodies for my D-Group girls last night at home. First of all, must give props to my friend Karla for the recipe idea. She made these wonderful little delights Sunday for our football watching extravaganza. Thought I would attempt to make them myself because they changed my life.

Explanation: Brownies made in little muffin pans with a little bit of heaven in the middle. (i.e. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups)

First batch: Amazing taste...not so pretty. Overfilled the pan and they all looked like mushrooms. As I went to get them out of the pan, the tops popped off. Grrr!

Second batch: "Let's use baking cups and not fill them so full." Amazing taste again, but this time much better looking! Thank the Lord! :)

For those of you Weight Watcher People...this is not a recipe I would recommend. My apologies!


Sara said...

Mmm...Peanut butter...

Hey Sara! I hereby invite you to the sweetest party ever - the First Annual CCCB Alumni Party! Check it out - we're getting the BAND back together! We're going to have a barbecue and then there's going to be a Three Days Under Reunion show! May 19th, 12 noon. We hope to see you there! If you need more information, you can post a comment on my site or send me an email. Keep rock'n!

Sara said...

Okay, that email link doesn't work. You can find an email link that does work at my site though...Rock on Sara!