Tuesday, May 17, 2005

CCCB Alumni Reunion

The 2005 graduates of Central Christian College received their long-awaited diplomas Friday night and we watched as they gracefully walked across the stage (some praying they wouldn't trip)in their stunning black robes. Being an alumni of what 3 years now, I have sat through some incredibly boring graduation ceremonies in my day, but this year it was done in record time! Praise Jesus! I went to support some of my dear friends, Ricki Bell and Samantha Armstrong. They were part of the freshmen class when I was a senior (cool bunch of kids - my brother John being one of them).

The real party didn't start til afterwards at the receptions, where we raded the food line for some delicious homemade goodies. I fondly remember my dear friends, the Sanchez's, natives of Mexico, who's mom is an incredible cook. They would make some of the most delicious Mexican food you ever tasted! Mmmm...

Well, back to the point of why I am writing...the Alumni Reunion! I ran into a ton of friends I went to school with and here are some of their updates:

-Stan and Misty: have 2 adorable boys now and living in Illinois. They both look fabulous! So good to see them.
-Monte and Amy: no children ;), but are moving to Joplin because of Monte's new job. He will be the new drummer for Foundation Red!! Way to go:) Miss you guys already!
-Scott and Sara: have new little baby boy - way cute!
-Jesse and Julie: have new little baby girl and living in Arizona!
-Caleb: moved to Nashville and doing great with his new job at the Greg Oliver Agency. Look for his CD in a few years:) We're proud of you...just don't forget us!
-Ryan and Kristy: still not engaged!! Don't worry I gave him a hard time:) But other than that seem to be doing good!
-Nate and Anastasia: have two kids now and have a full time ministry.
-Ricki: coming to join the Quincy family at least for awhile since she is now gradgitated. Love ya Ricki...wish I was staying. Thanks for the bed.
-Amber: heading up north again to do an internship with same church. Children's ministry is the way to go, I'm tellin ya!
-Samantha: her and Andy seem to be doing great. Think she is moving to Rolla...good luck!
-Michelle: she is still so cool! Living in Illinois with her parents (I'm there with ya babe - there is light at the end of the tunnel!)
-Jessica (although not present): starring in a play/musical (doing what she was born to do)! Missed her, but excited to be moving alot closer to her in a couple weeks!
-Matt (although not present): now engaged! congrats and blessings:)

I know I probably missed someone...if I did, just leave me a comment and make a fool out of me!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Did you hear about the Big Ole CCCB Alumni Feast we had the next day at Chili's? 35 people showed up! It was some sweet action for sure! Oh and thanks for the kind words about our little guy!