Thursday, May 19, 2005

Star Wars

For those of you who aren't Star Wars fans, May 19th means nothing to you. For the rest of us, it is a day that will forever remain in history as the day when Episode III was released in the theaters. For those of you who are intelligent, you went to bed at a decent time last night. For those of us who are idiots, we went to the midnight showing of Episode III and finally got to bed around 3 am!

My good buddy Neal hooked us up with tickets he won from a raffle and so John, Sha and I went to the 12:01 showing. We waited about an hour in the theater before the movie started and I about fell asleep. Smart one I am, I bought a HUGE Coke to keep me awake and drank the whole thing before the movie started. Now, for anyone who is a genius, one can figure out how long it took before I had this HUGE urge to use the restroom. I'm a retard...but there was no way I was missing a millisecond of that I held it for 2 hours:)

The 12:01 theater was the first one to sell out...extreme die hard fans...costumes and all! Which made the experience even funnier when the theater employees shouted "Turn off the Light Sabors!!" The movie was awesome...thanks Neal!

1 comment:

ret said...

Shawna didn't look so excited about driving to school this morning to say the least...but she went God love her :) That's what memories are made of...even if they happen in the wee hours of the morning!!