Monday, September 26, 2005

David Crowder Band

What a night of worship! 9,500 people gathered to be led in song by the David Crowder Band last night here at Southeast. The place was packed (and probably a HUGE fire hazard), but it was incredible!! We were on the 2nd level and to be able to look down (and up) at a "sea of people" raising their hands in praise and jumping like crazy people...WOW! Seriously thought the floors were going to collapse, but we jumped like fools anyway:) Absolutely the most amazing moment (no pun intended) was when the entire room sand the melody and harmonies of Amazing Grace. Satan couldn't have touched a heart in the room at that moment...all praise was being raised to Our Sweet Jesus. One can begin to forget what it's like to completely give themselves to God in worship...but I was reminded once again to let go and be undignified.

The new CD was released last night and I have been listening to it constantly. Come Tuesday, you all better be in the stores buying this one out of stock. AMAZING!! 21 songs and each one will surprise you. Lots of variety - new worship, new rock, new rock opera (believe it baby)...David Crowder Band is simply one of God's best instruments. It's fun, it's catchy, it's heartfelt and will make you want to raise your face, close your eyes and smile. Go buy it now!!! (Or I guess whenever it comes out Tuesday). :)

Check out #15 - will definitely be the new favorite soon. And pretty sure John will love #10 (southern gospel always makes him smile and begin to do that air drum thing)!!


ret said...

I'm sure John will have it before he heads to work tomorrow...heard it's supposed to be really, really good. Glad you had such a sweet time of worship. Love those times...

Angie said...

We're going to their concert end of Octotber.. you've got me really excited!!! Happy to hear you're doing well!! :-)

sara said...

I'm lovin the banjo stuff too, and I'm not from's just awesome!
Good to hear from you Ang! You will love the concert. How's Joplin? Get to see much of Becca?