Thursday, September 29, 2005

Ya'll are Sweet!

To all my sweet commenters...
Thanks for the compliments and encouragement!
Two reasons for me to go to Weight Watchers.
1 - I stink at eating healthy and need to discipline myself with healthy portions and the right foods. Pizza, chicken strips, mac n cheese, and eating out ALL THE TIME can only make it so long before the spare tire starts showin up. I know I don't have a ton to lose, but I also know how much weight I've gained since I've moved to Kentucky (gross) andI just want to feel better about myself and know that I'm doing what I can to take care of my body.
2 - It's a support thing. I believe in my friends and know that they can reach their goals with a little encouragement. Two are always better than one when it comes to changing eating habits and exercise...okay, they are better in any facet of life!

So , there you have it friends. I'll keep you posted on the progress.

1 comment:

Misty said...

Happy Birthday Sara! Stan tried to call earlier but got your voicemail. We love you and are thinking of you on your special day!