Sunday, September 18, 2005

NFL Football Sundays

Good times have been had by all these past two weeks at the Shields' house here in Kentucky. These gracious and wonderful people from church have somehow 'adopted' the elementary team and they invite them over every Sunday to watch football and feed us enormous amounts of delicious food. This house has a total of 15 TVs, so no matter where you go in the house, you can watch your favorite game (except for the bathroom of course...but I wouldn't put it passed em to have something hooked up by the end of the season). They have NFL Ticket, so we get to watch all the games...all day long! Today we were there from about 1-8pm...7 hours of food, football, and fun. Today they even had a contest going. We all drew a team out of a bowl and which ever team got beat the worst, the lucky holder of that team won a $20 gas card!! How cool is that. Unfortunately, I got Denver and they won the stinkin game...not fair! Great day for the Chicago Bears though! I don't think they've won a game by that many points in years...Yippee!! Sorry Steve...I know you really wanted the Lions to pull through for ya! Anyways...callin it a night. Pretty pooped from sitting around all day and doing nothing:)


Karla said...

It was a good fun day. For some reason, I am in a funky mood today. Must have woken up on the wrong side of da bed.

sara said...

I think it must have just been way too much food and layin around yesterday...cause I'm a draggin this morning too!