Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Evening at the Stone's

The interns had their first "night out" last night. We headed over to Dave & Beth Stone's house for dinner and for a fun-filled evening of games. I say that sarcastically...only because they were all those brain-teaser games that drive me batty - because I get so frustrated when I can't figure out the secret that everyone else is catching on to. (Games like "Chicken, Chicken, Little Red Chicken" "Fuzzy Wuzzy" "1-2-3 Silverware" "Sandwriting" etc) You can call it a blonde moment or whatever, but I get so irritated that I start sending out "hate looks" to the person running the game (which last night was Mr. Dave Stone himself)! Now, I didn't realize I was doing this throughout the night, but he brought it to my attention in front of everyone and humiliated me (it was so funny). He found it hilarious to watch my facial expressions all night long from the point of "utter frustration" to "AAHHH! I get it...how stupid am I for not catching that!" He just laughed and laughed. I felt like an idiot.

The best of "all time embarassing moments in front of famous preachers of mega churches" came later in the evening when Dave thought he would play a little joke on me. We played a game called "Sandwriting" where he would try to spell out words using hand motions, clapping, snapping, talking and we had to figure out the pattern and guess the word. The first round he made it obvious to me what he was spelling - I caught on quick to the pattern and felt quite like a know-it-all. When he asked if I knew, I said "Sure, I got this one!" He decided to test it out and sent me in the other room, while he and the others decided on the word to spell out.

His son, Sam and I played the round together - so we went in the bathroom for 10 seconds. We came out and Dave started his crazy hand motions and clapping etc. I watched the floor intently as I saw him CLEARLY spell out S...E...X! I thought to myself..."are you kidding me? This has got to be a joke! I'm not going to yell out SEX in a preacher's home!" Then, just when I was about to blurt out the answer I thought was correct, Sam yells out "CHAIR"! I looked at him like he was an idiot...but he was right. Dave spelled out CHAIR. He completely used his arm motions to distract me from the real pattern of the game. The real secret was to listen to his sentences while he was speaking to pick up the pattern...not to look at his hands. His wife Beth knew what was going on...so she had the camera there to take a picture of my face when the light finally clicked on upstairs! They were so sneaky...and I was ssssooooo embarassed!

No one else in the group knew what was happening at the time. But they knew we were laughing about something hilarious. So an even more embarassing time came later in the night when the truth came out and everyone was clued in on the joke. The room errupted and my face turned so RED...I laughed until I cried! It was a great night. Now I don't know if I'll ever take Dave serious from the pulpit again - just kidding! Their family is actually pretty amazing and I appreciated the way they made us feel so welcomed!


ret said...

Well look at you. And you had second thoughts about going...glad you're having a great time!!

sara said...

Only cause I wasn't ready to leave you all. I still miss you a ton, but it's nice things are feeling more like "okay, this is a place I could live for a year"...ya know? Glad we have blogs, emails and phones, cause life wouldn't be the same without you;)