Thursday, June 23, 2005

Michigan...The Hidden Treasure State

So just got back from the Team Retreat at Lake Michigan last night about 1am and struggling to stay awake this afternoon. Good times were had on the beach and on Grand Haven's beachfront. Lake Michigan is absolutely gorgeous this time of year (who knew??). The weather was perfect - sunny/80s in the afternoon and a little cooler come morning or nightfall. We just sat out on the deck at the cottage and enjoyed God's beautiful creation. Every night we were there, I got to witness some incredible sunsets - two at the cottage and one on the pier. They were breathtaking.

Not only were there beautiful moments...there were some stinking hilarious moments too. Lots of team bonding and side-splitting laughter. Most of that kind of laughter occured late last night in the car ride home. Steve busted out his uncontrollable girlie laugh - and we all witnessed it (tears streaming and all)! Karla pulled some muscles in her side - her laugh is so contagious! We just had a great time.

Got to try lots of local food establishments...none of that food chain restaurant eating while on vacation. Some tasty and delicious food I might add! But the greatest discovery was a little thing called the Pronto Pup - it is similar to a corn dog, but the batter is sweeter and alot thinner. Deep fried and ketchup brushed on...mmmm! Good times:)

Wish at this moment I knew how to download pictures to put on this blog...I'm a retard. Some day...some day.


ret said...

There's something special about heading north. Minnesota will forever be in my blood. Missed going last year but we are going in August. Glad you had a good time and are back safe and you!!!

Central Christian College of the Bible said...

Hi Sara.

I enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for sharing it.

Posting pictures online is a little bit of a challenge. You need a place to host them for you (check out my blog to see what it looks like:

I post mine to Central's server. You may have some webspace available through your Internet Service Provider. You can also get some free storage space through

Anyway, when you get them posted to an online location, integrating them into your blog isn't too difficult. Getting them somewhere else is most of the work. You can find a discussion about it here:

Talk to you later.

David Fincher