Monday, June 13, 2005

Video Debut

The entire afternoon was spent with Nevan (Mr. Video/Tech) shooting pictures for an upcoming video we are producing for the kids' worship services the first weekend in July. The lesson topic that weekend will be about Job and all his many sufferings, but how he ended up praising God through it all.

The video will be featuring "Miss Sara" going through her horrible day. So much bad stuff happens to her in one's ridiculous! She wakes up late, gets in a car accident, gets yelled at by her boss for being late, gets hit in the face with a basketball, burns her mouth on coffee, the vending machine won't give her the Snickers, so she kicks it and hurts herself, uses the men's restroom by accident, gets stuck in an elevator, tries to by medicine for her headache, but the store doesn't take debit cards, she falls down a huge flight of stairs, gets embarrassed when she thinks someone is waving at her, but in actuality, they are waving to the person behind her, gets arrested by a cop for speeding and breaking the "click it or ticket" law....I mean it just goes on and on...

Now personally, I know I'm not that great at being funny or, the video may not be that great. But I tried and I'm doing things that are helping me come out of my shell. (After everyone sees this though...they may tell me to go back in my shell and never come out again!) :)


ret said...

Sounds very funny. Wish we could see it ;)and honestly, sounds like a normal day...

sara said...

Yeah, I guess it does sound like a normal day for some...after writing it all out:) We just overplayed it dramatically. Nevan said the pictures turned out to be pretty funny...hope so!