Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Told Not to Pray

This is a funny story...and a first I might add! We were sitting at the dinner table last night (Amy, me & the boys), when Amy asked who wanted to pray. I asked Spencer and he shook his head no and then I asked Sammy if he wanted to...again, no. Then I asked them if they wanted Mommy to pray...no. "Do you want me to pray?" "NO! You can't pray!" shouted Sammy. I said,"Well, then, who's going to pray?" "No one, I don't want to pray...we're not going to pray!!" This went on for awhile. Amy then asked if I would just pray. Sure! I started praying...Sammy started SCREAMING!! "NNNOOOOO!!" I about busted out laughing, but held it in cause she was trying to discipline him. It was such a funny & memorable moment - never in my life had someone flat out screamed during my prayer and told me not to pray:) Giggling a bit, I thanked Jesus and said a quick Amen.


ret said...

That's pretty funny. Did you ever figure out why he so adamantly protested your prayer contribution? Goodness. What age are we talking? Too funny.

sara said...

He's 2! I guess he just didn't want to pray and that meant no one could pray:) Funny little guy he is! He screamed so loud he couldn't even hear what I was saying...so it's not like I prayed a bad prayer...personally, i thought it was pretty good...short and sweet and to the point. I was hungry and I was ready for him to stop screaming. :)

ret said...
