Thursday, June 02, 2005


It's the end of the day. About to call it quits and head "home". Have had this really annoying uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach all day. Don't know how to describe it...mixture of feeling like a stranger, knowing the road ahead won't be easy, feeling like Louisville is not home yet, getting used to the idea of this gigantic church and not knowing for sure if I'm going to like it, knowing all my friends will be meeting at FUEL tonight and that for the first time in 8 months, I won't be there with them, missing the chance to lead worship with John, Sha and Neal and also missing the hugs from all my sweet friends. There's been a lot of homesickness this week, but I put up my pictures to remind me of all you incredible people. So I'll shed a tear or two (or 100)...hoping it will make the uneasy feeling go away. Funny how you don't realize how much people mean to you until they're gone...mmmm.


Anonymous said...

Hey girl... miss ya! I have some more pics to send your way- our awesome volleyball team, and our prayer circle for you in kidz church. those kids are so sweet. i know you'll meet some great ones in ky too. it will just take some time. keep in touch. love ya lots! :) Kimmy

ret said...

Hey Sara-Hope you're doing better today! Give it some will get easier. I think I want it to get easier a little, but not so much you never come back to us :) Assuming fuel went well, but I was asleep when Sha got home. I know John had his study group at 6:00, which rocks, huh? Love you much...miss you!

sara said...

Thanks Kim. I will be looking forward to those pics!
Love you Ret. I would like it to get easier too, but don't worry...there's no way I will never come back. Shamelessly addicted to you all! :)